Role: Striker.
Power Source: Psionic.
Key Abilities: Dexterity, Strength,
Constitution, Wisdom, Charisma
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth.
Weapon Proficiencies: Club, dagger, monk
unarmed strike, quarterstaff, shuriken, sling, spear.
Implement: Ki focuses, weapons with which
you're proficient
Bonus to Defense: +1 Fortitude, +1 Reflex,
+1 Will.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12+ Constitution
Hit Points per Level Gained: 5
Healing Surges per Day: 7+ Constitution
Trained Skills: From the class skills list
below, choose 4 trained skills at 1st level.
Class Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Athletics
(Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Endurance (Con), Heal (Wis), Insight (Wis), Perception
(Wis), Religion (Int), Stealth (Dex), Thievery (Dex).
Build Options: Air Monk, Earth Monk, Fire
Monk, Water Monk.
Class features: Elemental Tradition,
Psionic Augmentation, Unarmed Combatant, Unarmored Defense.
Monks train in a
number of traditional techniques, with each monastery focusing on a specific
style. Choose one of the four elements as your tradition. The choice you make
grants you a Flurry of Blows power, a defensive benefit and an encounter power.
- Air
- Flurry of Blows: You gain the centered flurry of blows power.
- Mental Equilibrium: You gain a +1 bonus to Fortitude. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level.
- Elemental Escalation: You gain elemental escalation (air monk).
- Earth
- Flurry of Blows: You gain the stone fist flurry of blows power, except you use your Constitution modifier instead of your Strength modifier.
- Mental Bastion: You gain a +1 bonus to Will. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level.
- Elemental Escalation: You gain elemental escalation (earth monk).
- Fire
- Flurry of Blows: You gain the desert wind flurry of blows power.
- Mental Crucible: You gain resist 5 fire. The resistance increases to 10 at 11th level and 15 at 21st level. If you already have fire resistance that is equal to or higher than this value, increase it by 2 (4 at 11th level and 6 at 21st level).
- Elemental Escalation: You gain elemental escalation (fire monk).
- Water
- Flurry of Blows: You gain the eternal tide flurry of blows power.
- Mental Balance: Whenever an enemy would pull, push, or slide you, you can reduce the forced movement by 1 square. After the forced movement is resolved, you can shift 1 square as a free action.
- Elemental Escalation: You gain elemental escalation (water monk).

At-Will Attack
Powers: At 1st level, you choose two at-will attack powers and one daily attack
power from your class, but you don’t start with any encounter attack powers
from your class except for the elemental escalation power you gain as part of
your tradition. You instead gain power points, which you can spend to use and
augment your elemental escalation power, as well as augment certain powers from
paragon paths and multiclassing. These powers have the augmentable keyword.
Master of Many
Styles: You gain new at-will attack powers from this class, instead of new
encounter attack powers, as you increase in level. At 3rd, 13rd and 23th level,
you choose a new at-will attack power from this class, or from the sorcerer
class. The at-will powers normally only available to an elementalist (sorcerer)
are available at level 7. If you choose to gain a power from the sorcerer class
this way, replace all Charisma modifiers with Dexterity modifiers, replace all
Constitution modifiers with the ability score modifier you use for determining
the damage of your flurry of blows power, and the power loses the arcane
keyword and gains the psionic keyword. At 7th, 17th, and 27th level, you can
replace one of your at-will attack powers with another one of your level or
lower. Both the replaced power and its replacement must be from this class
Points: You start with 2 power points. You gain 2 additional power points at
3rd and 7th level, 1 additional power point at 13th level, and 2 additional
power points at 17th, 21st, 23rd, and 27th level. If you gain power points from
another source (such as your paragon path), add them to your power point total.
You can use your power points to augment any augmentable power you have,
regardless of how you gained the power.
regain all your power points when you take a short or an extended rest.
At-Will Attack Powers
Power Points
Gain 2
Gain 2
(4 total)
Gain 2
(6 total)
Gain 1
(7 total)
Gain 2
(9 total)
Gain 2
(11 total)
Gain 2
(13 total)
Gain 2
(15 total)
You can make unarmed
attacks with much greater effectiveness than most combatants can. When you make
a weapon attack such as a melee basic attack, you can use the monk unarmed
strike, which is a weapon in the unarmed weapon group. This weapon has the off-hand
weapon property and a +3 proficiency bonus, and it deals 1d8 damage. You must
have a hand free to use your monk unarmed strike, even if you’re kicking,
kneeing, elbowing, or head-butting a target. Also, your monk unarmed strike can
benefit from a magic ki focus if you have one (see “Implements” below).
While you are
wearing cloth armor or no armor and aren’t using a shield, you gain a +2 bonus
to AC.
Full Discipline
Many monk powers
have the full discipline keyword. A full discipline power gives you two or more
actions to choose from, usually an attack technique and a movement technique.
Attack techniques usually require a standard action, and movement techniques are
options for your move actions. For a monk, a full discipline power represents a
fighting style, a unique combination of a move and an attack.
You can use only one
full discipline power per round. However, if you spend an action point to take
an extra action, you can switch to a different full discipline power. You can
use the techniques of a full discipline power in whatever order you like, and
you can choose to use one of the techniques and not the other during a
particular round.
The number of times
you can use a full discipline power’s techniques during a round is determined
by the power’s type—at-will or encounter—and by the actions you have available
that round. For example, you can use the techniques of an at-will full discipline
power as many times during a round as you like, provided you have enough of the
required actions, but you can use the techniques of an encounter full
discipline power once during a round.
Monks usually
channel their psionic energy through an item called a ki focus, which is a
wooden practice weapon, prayer beads, a manual of lore, or some other object a
monk studies or uses during training or meditation. After you attune yourself
to a ki focus, you can use it as an implement when it is on your person (see
the “Ki Focuses” sidebar).
When you wear or
hold your ki focus, you can add its enhancement bonus to the attack rolls and
the damage rolls of monk powers and monk paragon path powers that have the
implement keyword. You can also add its enhancement bonus to the attack rolls
and the damage rolls of weapon attacks you make using a weapon with which
you’re proficient.
You can also use a
weapon with which you’re proficient as an implement. When wielding the weapon
as an implement, the weapon’s characteristics—proficiency bonus, damage die,
and weapon properties like defensive or high crit—are irrelevant to your
implement powers.
If you have both a
magic ki focus and a magic weapon, you choose before you use an attack power
whether to draw on the magic of the ki focus or the weapon. Your choice
determines which enhancement bonus, critical hit effects, and magic item
properties and powers you can apply to that power. You can’t, for example, use
the enhancement bonus of your ki focus and the critical hit effect of your
magic weapon with the same attack.
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