mandag den 1. februar 2016

Homebrew: Grafter Paragon Path


  • You combine the magic of grafting with the power of your soul. Like an artificer channels power through magical devices, you channel power through various parts of your body. While another person with a graft 
  • Prerequisite: Mage (Wizard), Apprentice Grafter feat
  • Power of Incarnum (11th level): Each time you would add two encounter powers to your spellbook, you only add a single encounter power instead, and you gain an incarnum slot of the corresponding level. After each extended rest, when you prepare your Wizard powers, you can choose to prepare incarnum powers in place of one of more encounter powers. Each graft can only be used to prepare a single power this way, and you cannot prepare an incarnum power of a given level if you prepare another incarnum or wizard encounter power of the same level. If an incarnum power lists different characteristics based on level and/or a tier, those characteristics depend on the level of the incarnum slot you used to prepare the incarnum power, not your level or tier.
  • Fleshwarper (11th level): You can equip a total of two minor grafts. You gain a 11th level incarnum slot.
  • The Flesh is Strong (11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, you gain temporary hit points equal to 10 + half your level.
  • Adept of the Flesh (12th level): You can equip a total of three minor grafts.
  • Incarnum Prodigy (12th level): You can now also prepare incarnum utility powers and you gain a 12th level incarnum slot that can only be used to prepare incarnum utility powers. This follows the rules for preparing incarnum encounter attack powers, except for the following:
    • When you gain a level and add utility powers to your spellbook, you don't add fewer powers than normally.
    • For some incarnum utility powers when you prepare it, you can choose its frequency (at-will, encounter or daily). If a graft has multiple frequencies available for its incarnum utility powers, those are listed in the graft's power list.
  • Master of the Flesh (16th level): You can equip a total of three minor grafts and one major graft.
  • Swift Fleshwarping (20th level): You gain the swift fleshwarping daily power.

Tilhørende regler

Alle karakterer har et enkelt item slot, som enten kan bruges til at indeholde en symbiont eller et graft. Disse grafts er dog ofte begrænsede i hvad de kan gøre, og har ofte store penalties (fx -2 til AC/Fortitude, -5 Diplomacy, eller færre healing surges end normalt).

Derudover kan der findes visse graft-lignende items, som imiterer almindelige magiske genstande. Man kan fx finde ekstra øjne, som kan sættes på hovedet, og som giver en bonus til Perception - disse ville tælle som almindelige magic items når det kommer til item slots.

Hvis man tager featet Apprentice Grafter, har man adgang til at equippe et enkelt graft uden penalties som et "minor graft". Tager man Grafter som Paragon Path, åbner det op for yderligere minor graft slots, og på level 16 for muligheden for at få et enkelt major graft. Et minor graft er ca. lige så stærkt som et feat, og et major graft er ca. lige så stærkt som en level 16 Paragon Path feature (eller et Paragon/Epic tier feat).

Når man tager den ovenstående Grafter Paragon Path, har man ikke længere adgang til det graft "item slot", som man havde indtil da, i samme grad som tidligere: Nogle grafts har både stats som minor/major grafts og almindelige grafts, og disse vil kun kunne bruges som minor/major grafts.

Homebrew Feat: Apprentice Grafter
  • Prerequisite: 6th level, Con 15, training in the heal skill
  • Benefit:
    • You can equip a single minor graft. Each graft has different statistics based on whether it is equipped as a minor or major graft.
    • A graft can only be equipped or unequipped during an extended rest, and after that rest, you regain 1 fewer healing surge for each graft you equipped or unequipped this way. If you unequip a graft this way and replace it with a body part of the same type that does not grant a bonus, the replacement doesn't cause you to lose an additional healing surge.

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